Ding dong and the cycle is gone
How many times in life have we thought that the cycle has gone???But only very few times has the cycle actually gone.We are left to face the harsh existence of the cycle again.Am just talking about things or times which/when made us roam around earth with a mask on our face,times when we couldn't show our face to reality,times when no matter how hard you hit the ball;the umpire doesn't show a signal that means more than a six,times when no girl looks at you no matter how well you dressed,times when no money stayed with you no matter how much ever you earned.
Not everybody gets everything they desire, when they just dream and don't do a thing to get it.Also not everything is required in reality.Real skill is when you see everything within whatever you have.What's required is a change of angle in the way you view things.Need to spend some time analysing that.When you view things at 20deg or 50 degree,you get only those views that lie within the domain of the angle.360 degrees is far away and it's complete.It reitrates that earth is round and that every start has its end.
Remember Eddie in friends who would never leave Chandler and go away for ever.Eddie was a big pain and with his creak sounding laughter,it only becomes logically correct for chandler to expect him to go away. Eddie did leave him and Chandler reunited with Joe.
So never fret,never brood,see the change in you that you wish to see in others.
For me though its ding dong and the cycle seems to have gone.Am not riding my brother's cycle anymore coz i have got a new pulsar 180 cc.
Not everybody gets everything they desire, when they just dream and don't do a thing to get it.Also not everything is required in reality.Real skill is when you see everything within whatever you have.What's required is a change of angle in the way you view things.Need to spend some time analysing that.When you view things at 20deg or 50 degree,you get only those views that lie within the domain of the angle.360 degrees is far away and it's complete.It reitrates that earth is round and that every start has its end.
Remember Eddie in friends who would never leave Chandler and go away for ever.Eddie was a big pain and with his creak sounding laughter,it only becomes logically correct for chandler to expect him to go away. Eddie did leave him and Chandler reunited with Joe.
So never fret,never brood,see the change in you that you wish to see in others.
For me though its ding dong and the cycle seems to have gone.Am not riding my brother's cycle anymore coz i have got a new pulsar 180 cc.